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Dr. Avanthi Paplikar

Founder & Director | Speech Language Pathologist

Meet Dr. Avanthi Paplikar, the visionary Founder & Director of SpeakUp Centre for Speech Therapy & Neuro Rehabilitation. Armed with a PhD from CUNY New York & a prestigious Post-Doctoral Fellowship from NIMHANS, Dr. Paplikar stands as a beacon of excellence in speech and language sciences. Boasting a remarkable academic record as a Gold Medalist & 1st Rank Holder in MSc Speech & Hearing, from the University of Mysore. She brings over 15 years of clinical and research experience to her practice. Renowned for her expertise in stroke aphasia rehabilitation, Alzheimer’s care, pediatric speech and language delay, and developmental stuttering, Dr. Paplikar’s contributions have been underscored by numerous publications. Her unwavering commitment to enhancing communication and restoring lives underscores her status as a pioneer in the field.

Research Projects as Principal Investigator

  1. Connected speech features and its neural correlates for early identification of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), and Fronto-temporal dementia (FTD): DST – Science and Engineering Research Board. CRG/2022/000876. Duration: 3 years

Research Projects as Co-investigator/Consultant

  1. “Aphasia in South Asian Languages”: A British Academy funded project

  2. “Development of a regional dataset to estimate prevalence of aphasia: A multi centric hospital based study from Karnataka”: AIISH Research Funds.

  3. “Karnataka Brain Health Initiative: A Public Health Approach to Neurological Disorders”: Funded by Government of Karnataka.

  4. “The impact of bilingualism on cognitive reserve/resilience using socio-demographically and linguistically diverse populations”: Funded by NIH/NIA

  5. “Development of a skill-based neurocognitive testing protocol to assess cognition and diagnose dementia in a context of complex skills and low literacy”: Indian Council of Medical Research

  6. “Decoding Speech Imagery in subjects with post stroke aphasia: An Exploratory High Density EEG study”: Medical Intelligence and Language Engineering Lab, IISc Bangalore.

Participation in Research Projects

  1. “Primary Progressive Aphasia Core Outcome Set’’: A project of University College London (UCL)


  1. Paplikar, A., and Obler, L. K. (2023). Functional communication and language mixing in bilingual/trilingual individuals with Broca’s aphasia. Journal of Hearing, Language, and Speech, Bangalore Speech and Hearing Trust. Vol. 1, Issue 1, p 12-29.
  2. Aishwarya, D., Rhea, D., and Paplikar, A. (under review). Evolution of global to Broca’s aphasia through intensive Telerehabilitation – A chronic aphasia case study. Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders.
  3. Tiwari, M., Goyal, S., Alladi, S., and Paplikar, A. (2023). Benefits of individualized cognitive stimulation therapy (iCST) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI): A case report. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. Volume:49, Number:1, January 2023.
  4. Kaul, S., Goyal, S., Paplikar, A., Varghese, F.…. On Behalf of ICMR-NCTB Consortium (2022). Evaluation of vascular cognitive impairment using the ICMR-Neuro Cognitive Tool Box (ICMR-NCTB) in a stroke cohort from India. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology.
  5. Alladi, S., Thomas, P., Pattabhiraman, M., Paplikar, A., Chaudhary, A. (2022). Cultural implications for person’s living with dementia and their family in the Indian context. World Alzheimer’s Report 2022: An Expert Essay.
  6. Kaul, S., Paplikar, A., Varghese, F., Alladi, S., Sharma, M., Dhaliwal, R. S., … & ICMR-NCTB Consortium. (2022). MoCA in five Indian languages: A brief screening tool to diagnose dementia and MCI in a linguistically diverse setting. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
  7. Paplikar, A., Varghese, F., Alladi, S., Vandana, V.P., Darshini, K.J., Iyer, G.K., . . . ICMR Neuro Cognitive Tool Box Consortium. (2022) Picture-naming test for a linguistically diverse population with cognitive impairment and dementia. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 1–14.
  8. Paplikar, A., Rajagopalan, J., & Alladi, S (2022). Care for Dementia Patients and Caregivers Amid COVID-19 Pandemic. Cerebral Circulation-Cognition and Behavior.
  9. Arshad, F., Samim, M. M., Paplikar, A., Rajendran, S., Kalkonde, Y., & Alladi, S. (2022). Vascular cognitive impairment in India: Challenges and opportunities for prevention and treatment. Cerebral Circulation-Cognition and Behavior, 100034.
  10. Varghese, F., Paplikar, A., Alladi, S., Mekala., S., Shah, U., ……. Vishwanath, Y. (under review). Measurement invariance of neuropsychological testing using ICMR Neurocognitive Tool Box across five languages. Journal of International Neuropsychological Society.
  11. Arshad, F., Thanissery, N., Khokhar, S. K., Kenchaiah, R., Varghese, F., Paplikar, A., Mekala, S., Ramakrishnan, S., Saini, J., Bak., T, H., Srinivasan, N., Surampudi, B. R., & Alladi, S (under review). Mechanisms of resilience differ for bilingualism and education in Frontotemporal dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association.
  12. Rajagopalan, J., Arshad, F., Thomas, P.T., Varghese, F., Hurzuk, S., Hoskeri, R.M., Ramappa, R.B., Nair, V., Paplikar, A., Mekala, S., …… Alladi, S. (2022). Cognition, behavior and caregiver stress in dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic: An Indian perspective. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
  13. Arshad, F., Mondal, S., Paplikar, A., Rajendran, S., Kalkonde, Y., & Alladi, S (2021). Treatment approaches for Vascular Cognitive Impairment in India. Cerebral CirculationCognition and Behavior.
  14. Paplikar, A. Neuropsychological Testing in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Indian Context. The South Asian Caucus of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (SAC-ASHA) Newsletter, 2021.
  15. Paplikar, A., Arshad, F., Alladi, S., Sharma, M., Varghese, F (2021). Implications of bilingualism for neuropsychological evaluation: Insights from a multicentric study from India. Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association.
  16. Goyal, S., Jeevendra, K, D., Arshad, F., Paplikar, A.,… Alladi, S (2021). Language profile of primary progressive aphasia in a linguistically diverse cohort in India. Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association.
  17. Alladi, S., Arshad, F., Thanissery, N., Khokar, S., Paplikar, A., Varghese, F (2021). Neural correlates of cognitive resilience differ between experiences of bilingualism and education: A cortical surface-based morphometry study in dementia. Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association.
  18. Verma, M., Thripathi, M, Nehra, A., Paplikar, A……… Vishwanath, Y (2021). Validation of ICMR Neurocognitive Toolbox for dementia in the linguistically diverse context of India. Frontiers Neurology.
  19. Arshad, F., Varghese, F., Paplikar, A., Gangadhar, Y, Ramakrishnan, S., Chaudhuri, J.R., Mahadevan, A., & Alladi, S. (2021). Role of Autoantibodies in Neurodegenerative Dementia: An Emerging Association. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders.
  20. Paplikar, A., Vandana, V.P., Mekala, S., Darshini, K.J., Arshad, F., Iyer, G.K.,……. Alladi, S. (2021). Semantic memory impairment in dementia: A cross-cultural adaptation study. Neurological Sciences.
  21. Paplikar, A., Alladi, S., Varghese, F., Mekala, S., Arshad, F., Sharma, M ……. Vishwanath, Y. (2021). Bilingualism and Its Implications for Neuropsychological Evaluation. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.
  22. Menon, R., Varghese, F., Paplikar, A., Mekala, S., Alladi, S.,…… Vishwanath, Y. (2021). Validation of Indian Council of Medical Research Neurocognitive Tool Box in Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment in India: Lessons from a Harmonization Process in a Linguistically Diverse Society. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders.
  23. Arshad, F., Paplikar, A., Mekala, S., Varghese, F., Vandana, V. P., Darshini, K.J., ….. Alladi, S. (2020). Social Cognition Deficits Are Pervasive across Both Classical and Overlap Frontotemporal Dementia Syndromes. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra.
  24. Paplikar, A., Iyer, G., Varghese, F., Alladi, S., Pauranik, A., Kaul, S., ….. Varma, RV. (2020). A Screening Tool to Detect Stroke Aphasia: Adaptation of Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test (FAST) to the Indian Context. Annals of Academy of Neurology.
  25. Paplikar, A., Ballal, D., Varghese, F., Sireesha, J., Dwivedi, R., Rajan, A., Mekala, S., Arshad, F., Kaul, S., & Alladi, S. (2020). Assessment of Lifestyle Experiences across Lifespan and Cognitive Ageing in the Indian Context. Psychology and Developing Societies.
  26. Mekala, S., Paplikar, A., Mioshi, E., Divyaraj, G., Coughlan, G., Ellajosyula, R., … Alladi, S. (2020). Dementia diagnosis in seven languages: the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination-III in India. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.
  27. Alladi, S., Paplikar, A., Varghese, F., Sharma, M., (2020). Neurocognitive testing in a diverse linguistic setting: Measurement invariance of ICMR-Neuro Cognitive Tool Box across five languages: Neuropsychology/Multicultural issues in assessment of dementia. Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association.
  28. Iyer, G., Paplikar, A., Alladi, S., Dutt, A., Sharma, M., Mekala, S., & … Varghese, F. (2019). Standardising dementia diagnosis across linguistic and educational diversity: Study design of the Indian Council of Medical Research – Neurocognitive Tool Box (ICMR-NCTB). Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.
  29. Pauranik, A., George, A., Sahu, A., Nehra, A., Paplikar, A., Bhat, C., … & Kaur, H. (2019). Expert group meeting on aphasia: A report. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 22(2), 137.
  30. Paplikar, A., Mekala, S., Bak, T. H., Dharamkar, S., Alladi, S., & Kaul, S. (2018). Bilingualism and the severity of poststroke aphasia. Aphasiology, 1-15.
  31. Deepa, S., Paplikar Niranjan, A., Abhishek, B. P., & Chengappa, S. (2009). Phonological, Grammatical and Lexical Interference in Adult Multilingual Speakers. Language in India, 9, 11-22.


  1. Paplikar, A. “You CAN do it! Empowering Speech-Language Pathologists to conduct language assessments with culturally and/or linguistically diverse clients across the lifespan”. International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP). August 20-24, 2023, Auckland, New Zealand (virtual presentation).
  2. Paplikar, A., Varghese, F., Bhattacharyya, B., Shukla, V., Thripati, M., Biswas, A., & Alladi, S. Dementia diagnosis using Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination in low literates and illiterates in three Indian languages. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC 2023). July 16-20th, 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands (virtual presentation).
  3. Darshini, K.J., Kumar, S., Arshad, F., Vandana, V.P., Phillip, M., Paplikar, A., Ramakrishnan, S., & Alladi, S. Speech and Language characteristics of Kannada and Hindi speaking individuals with Primary Progressive Aphasia. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC 2023). July 16-20th, 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands (virtual presentation).
  4. Paplikar, A. “Environmental modifications and technology based assisted communication” at the Expert Consultative Workshop on Dementia Design Studio, February 20, 2023, NIMHANS, Bengaluru.
  5. Paplikar, A. Keynote Address on “Perspectives of Speech and Language Disorders in Children and Adults”, Lions International Region Meet, 19 February 2023, Bengaluru.
  6. Paplikar, A. “Cognitive reserve in bilinguals with stroke aphasia” at the International Symposium of Bilingualism and Cognition, October 28-29, 2022. Goa, India (virtual presentation).
  7. Paplikar, A. “Bilingualism enhances cognitive reserve in persons with aphasia” at the Academy of Aphasia, October 23-25, 2022. Philadelphia, USA (virtual presentation).
  8. Paplikar, A. “Impact of Bilingualism on Prevalence of Dementia and MCI: A Community Study from India” at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (July 31-August 4, 2022) under Featured Research Session on “Bilingualism and dementia: Emerging synergies across linguistic, sociodemographic and biological diversity” (virtual presentation).
  9. Paplikar, A. Measurement invariance of neuropsychological testing using ICMR Neurocognitive Tool Box across five languages, June 27, 2022 as part of Monday Neuropsychology Hour, co-ordinated by Neuropsychologists Special Interest Group.
  10. Paplikar, A. Picture-naming test for a linguistically diverse population with cognitive impairment and dementia, June 13, 2022 as part of Monday Neuropsychology Hour, coordinated by Neuropsychologists Special Interest Group.
  11. Paplikar, A. Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA): Challenges in a diverse multilingual context on April 13, 2022 as part of the “International Behavioral Neurology Videoconference Rounds”, co-ordinated by Division of Neurology, University of Toronto, Canada, Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation, and Canadian Neurological Society (virtual presentation).
  12. Paplikar, A. Voxel based Lesion Symptom Mapping (VLSM) in monolingual and bilingual aphasia. World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Aphasia, Dementia, & Cognitive Disorders, Nara, Japan (Symposium Abstract Accepted).
  13. Paplikar, A. (July 26-31, 2021). Implications of bilingualism for neuropsychological evaluation: Insights from a multicentric study from India. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Denver, USA (virtual presentation).
  14. Paplikar, A. (February 2021). Recommendations for neuropsychological evaluation in the bilingual Indian context. Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment (ISTAART; virtual presentation).
  15. Paplikar, A. (2021). Neuropsychological testing in bilingual speakers: Recommendations. Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurology (virtual presentation).
  16. Paplikar, A., Shivashankar, Wadhwani, N., Varghese, F., Cherodath, S., Joshi, H., Saini, J., Manjushree, M., Raghavendra, K., & Alladi, S. (October, 2019). The neural correlates of attention and executive functions in monolingual and bilingual aphasia: Evidence from Voxel based Lesion Symptom Mapping (VLSM). Academy of Aphasia, Hong Kong.
  17. Shangavi, L., Mekala, S., Mioshi, E., Paplikar, A., ….. Alladi, S (2019). ACE-III in seven Indian languages: A cognitive screening tool for dementia diagnosis. Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurology.
  18. Paplikar, A., Shivashankar, Wadhwani, N., Varghese, F., & Alladi, S. (November, 2018). Role of Bilingualism in Post-Stroke Aphasia Language Recovery. International Symposium of Bilingualism and Cognition. Goa, India.
  19. Paplikar, A., Goral, M., Gitterman, M., & Obler., L. K. (October, 2016). Directionality of Language-Mixing in Bilinguals with Non-Fluent Aphasia. Academy of Aphasia.
  20. Paplikar, A., Goral, M., Gitterman, M., & Obler., L. K. (May 2015). Language Mixing vs. Borrowing in Bilingual Speakers with Aphasia and Neurologically Healthy. International Symposium on Bilingualism, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
  21. Obler., L. K., Paplikar, A., Korytkowska, M., & Gitterman, M. (January, 2015). Aging and language mixing in bilingual aphasia. Workshop on Bilingualism and Cognitive Control, Groningen, Netherlands.
  22. Paplikar, A., Goral, M., Gitterman, M., & Obler., L. K. (October, 2014). Language-Mixing, Discourse Length and Discourse Quality in Bilingual Aphasia. Academy of Aphasia, Miami, Florida.
  23. Obler, L. K., Hyun, J., Paplikar, A., Higby, E., Goral, M., & Cahana-Amitay, D. (July, 2014). Measuring Lexical Retrieval in Older Adults’ Discourse. International Neuropsychological Society, Jerusalem, Israel.
  24. Paplikar, A. (2014). Language Mixing in Discourse in Bilingual Speakers with Boca’s Aphasia. University of Turku, Finland, April, 2014.
  25. Paplikar, A., Goral, M., Gitterman, M., and Obler, L. K. (October 2013). Language mixing in discourse in bilinguals with aphasia. 14th International Science of Aphasia Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
  26. Paplikar, A., Hyun, J., and Obler, L.K. (June, 2013). Lexical retrieval abilities in discourse in healthy older adults. Language and Aging Workshop, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, MI.
  27. Paplikar, A., & Obler, L. K. (October, 2012). Language mixing in multilingual aphasia helps functional communication. Academy of Aphasia. San Francisco, CA.
  28. Paplikar, A., Hyun, J., Cahana-Amitay, D., Albert, M., & Obler, L. K. (October, 2012). Noun retrieval vs. verb retrieval in the discourse of older adults. Mental Lexicon, Montreal, Canada.
  29. Paplikar, A., and Obler, L. K. (2012). Language Mixing and Functional Communication in Bi/Trilingual Individuals with Broca’s Aphasia. Lehman College, CUNY, May, 2012.
  30. Paplikar, A., Hyun, J., and Obler, L.K. (2012). Lexical retrieval abilities in discourse in healthy older adults. International Workshop on Language Production, New York University, NYC, NY.
  31. Obler, L.K., Paplikar, A., and Vogel., A. V. (May, 2011). Lexical Retrieval Problems in Aging. New York State Speech-Language Hearing Association, 2011.
  32. Leebhoff, S., Paplikar, A., Hyun, J., and Obler, L.K. (2011). Is there a Discrepancy in Word Retrieval Performance between Single-Word Level and Narratives? Graduate Center, CUNY, Student Research Day, April, 2011.
  33. Simon, S., Niranjan, Paplikar, A., and Nataraja., N. P (2010). Effect of Yoga for better Voice Production among Carnatic Singers. Voice Foundation’s 39th Annual Symposium, Philadelphia, 2010.
  34. Simon, S., Niranjan, Paplikar, A., and Nataraja., N. P (2009). A survey about the Oriental Concepts used in Carnatic School of Music. Voice Foundation’s 38th Annual Symposium, Philadelphia, 2009.
  35. Niranjan, Paplikar, A., Abhishek, B. P., and Deepa, S (2008). Phonological Awareness in Academically Poor Children. Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 2008.
  36. Niranjan, Paplikar, A., Abhishek, B. P., and Deepa, S (2008). Phonological and Lexical Interference in Adult Multilingual Speakers. Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 2008.
  37. Niranjan, Paplikar, A., Eshwar, P., and Singh, V. Retrieval of Nouns and Verbs in Aphasics (2008). Academy of Aphasia, October, 2008.
  38. Niranjan, Paplikar, A., Joshi, Archana., and Nataraja., N. P. (2007). Effects on Voice due to Exposure to Air Pollutants. Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 2007.
  39. Niranjan, Paplikar, A., Eshwar, P., and Nataraja., N. P. (2007). Prosodic Characteristics in Cerebral Palsied children. Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 2007.

Book Chapters

  1. Paplikar, A., & Alladi, S. (2023). Bilingualism and linguistic diversity: Dementia practice and research in India. Advances in the Neurolinguistic Study of Multilingual and Monolingual Adults: In honor of Professor Loraine K. Obler. Routledge Publications, USA.
  2. Paplikar, A., Venugopal, A., Alladi, S. (in press). Neuropsychological assessment of dementia for global populations. A guide to Global Language Assessment: A lifespan Approach. Slack Publications, USA.
  3. Alladi, S., Arshad., F., Paplikar, A. (2021). Vascular Dementia. Encyclopaedia of Behavioural Neuroscience, Second Edition. Elsevier Science, USA.
  4. Alladi, S., Kaul, S., Paplikar, A. (2018). Vascular Dementia. In A. Mukherjee (Eds.), IAN Textbook of Neurology (pp. 545-550). New Delhi, India: JP Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
  5. Obler, L. K., and Paplikar, A. (2014). Aphasia to Imaging: The Neurolinguistic Endeavor. In Winskel, H., & Padakannaya, P. (Eds.), South and South East-Asian Psycholinguistics (329-338). Cambridge University Press: UK